Daily Five and CAFE...My Journey Continues

As some of you know I am taking a graduate course on Daily Five and CAFE. 
It has been the best thing for me this summer. It is a lot of work and thinking (which I don't do very well in the summertime) :). I am so excited to implement the entire thing next school year. 

Here is a little background of my Daily Five experience in my classroom. 
I bought the book, read it a little, and decided to implement it into my classroom. I can do this....it's not rocket science. Well, I did it, not very well, but I did it.
I tried to start with Read to Self and add in Read to Someone. Little did I know that you actually had to REALLY model and practice and practice and model and practice...you get it right?
Looking back on my first year, I definitely would have done it differently, but I know now that I wouldn't be at the point I am now. Hmmmm? 
I ended up being out of school for most of November, December and January for back surgery. My substitute did not continue my lackadaisical way of doing Daily Five...THANK GOODNESS!!! I came back mid-January and tried it again. It worked...kind of. :) At least I was learning from it. 
The next year I read the book (what a great idea!!!) and tried it again. It was better, but there were some things I felt were missing. I had implemented each part of the Daily Five, but what was missing. I didn't find out until I took my grad. course, read the book for the third time, and actually GET what it is all about what was missing. 

My biggest A HA moment happened when I really got into the chapters and really read the book. 
Here is my epiphany: (one of them) :)
You don't sit at the back Guided Reading table and have the kids work for 90 minutes.
That's what I was missing. That little (well, not so little) piece for Daily Five. 
Kids can't work for 90 minutes straight and make their own choices about when to switch. 
I cannot wait to go back this school year and REALLY do this well. 

I created a little product for my classroom to share with you. 
I am obsessed with owls and obviously Daily Five. So, I thought I would combine them. 
If you would like some other theme, I would love to make them for you. 
They're FREEEEEEEE!!! Head on over and download them. :)

If you click on any of the pics it will take you to download the FREEBIE!!!
I will be back tomorrow with more of my insights. 
Have a wonderful day!

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