Here I am again. My favorite day of the week. Isn't it everybody's favorite day of the week?
I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. LOVE THIS LINKY!!!
We have had a very exciting week in our school.
(These are all from my phone camera so please excuse the graininess.)
Well, it finally is beautiful out. 70* and above almost all week. The kiddos have LOVED going out without their coats. They have been able to play on the equipment that hasn't been used since the fall. They all come in with blisters on their hands from the monkey bars. :)
We have been using the iPads almost everyday. Yesterday we used them for calendar. One student up at the SmartBoard and the others writing on their iPads. I used DoodleBugs. I know there is something out there that is easier and not so tempting for my firsties to veer off and make something else. :) When I find it, I will let you know. OR, if you know of any, please let me know.
We also made trains and units and represented them on the iPads.
The kids were SO EXCITED!!!
Not school related, but I coached my daughter's softball game. It was about 57*. Believe me, it did NOT feel like that. I have Raynaud's. It hasn't been an issue all winter. I was outside long enough for my fingers to turn white. When we got in the car to leave they were throbbing from warming up and then two of them turned BLUE!?!?!? Weird. That's never happened.
We started a running club in school. There are parents running it.
We had a HUGE turnout.
How great is that?
On a side note, I have run 27.6 miles since last Monday. :)
That's the most I have run since the fall. YIPPPEEEE!!!
My very good friend turns 50 tomorrow. She is taking it very gracefully. A bunch of us went out for dinner. As you can see we tried to make her as uncomfortable as we could...without success!!! She took it all in stride.
Our class is making her a GIGANTIC card and the staff is having snack in honor of her. ALL BLACK!!! :)
Have a wonderful day!!!
Oh Yeah.....The FREEBIE!!!
Today only. If you leave a comment about what you are looking forward to this summer and your email address, I will send you my Flippin' and Floppin' True or False packet.
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