Meet my friend Tracey from "We Made That".
Oh My!!! She has the coolest ideas on her site.
From Strawberry Planters for windows made from up-cycled coffee cans to Balloon Rockets to "We Made That Wednesday Linky Party"
I wanted to share her latest creation...Strawberry Planters.
Click on the picture to take you over to Tracey's Blog.
I can't wait to try this in our classroom. It will be so cool to see these hanging from our window.
We are going to be studying Organisms in our next Science unit. So, this will be perfect!!!
Maybe I'll skip the Pill Bugs
and Bess Beetles
so I can concentrate on STRAWBERRiES!!!
Please head on over to Tracey's Blog to check it all out!!!
Have a wonderful day!!!
WOW Beth Ann! You really made my day, thank you so much for all your nice comments! You are AWESOME!