My First Award!!! YIPPEEEEE!

Delighted over at First Grade Delight gave me the SUNSHINE AWARD!!!

 Head on over to her blog. Her website is ADORABLE! She has some really cute products and ideas!

I am beyond words! When I began blogging and stalking, I never thought I would get any followers (besides my friends whom I have bribed :). It was a great format for me to put my thoughts down and get some ideas going. (and get some AMAZING ideas from some phenomenal teachers!!!)
I don't want to get all sappy on you all. But, you have helped me find that little spark I had lost the last couple years. Thank you for that!

Rules for the Sunshine Award:

  1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
  2. Answer the following questions below.
  3. And pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.
  • Favorite Color?  Green and purple. 
  • Favorite Animal?  I can't imagine my life without the dogs I have shared it with. But, I would love to study orcas. They are my favorite animal (non-pet).
  • Favorite Number? 32 My birthday is on the 16th. When I played basketball, I wanted the number 16, but you couldn't have a number with a digit over 5. I doubled it and got 32. It has been my favorite since.
  • Favorite Drink?  Water. To indulge myself, I love a good chai.
  • Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook. 
  • Your Passion? Running. (I am addicted)
  • Giving or Getting Presents?  I LOVE giving. I am always the last to open my presents because I am watching all the others open theirs.
  • Favorite day? Saturday. Family time.
  • Favorite flowers? Daisy. 
Here are the 10 blogs I have chosen:


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