Currently November

Hello all! I hope you are having a wonderful November so far!
I am linking up with Farley again for her Currently party.

If you have not done this yet (I am not sure who you are :)) you definitely need to check it out. I love doing this each month.

The dishwasher is running. I don't like to listen to this, but I know what the outcome is. :) 
The wood stove, on the other hand, is lovely to listen to. :)

The cooler weather is awesome. I don't like being cold, but I love this in-between weather before winter comes. I love to dress in layers. We had our first flurries last night. 

I have a mini-session photo shoot today. Nine clients, winter/Christmas props, hot chocolate, whipped cream, fun! fun! fun!

I need to do less. If this week didn't teach me that I don't know what will. I was sick on Wednesday and Thursday and then I hurt my back carving a pumpkin in school on Friday. Seriously, someone is trying to tell me something. After today I will. :)

I am taking a grad course and an inservice. I have to finish my work tonight. Nothing like leaving it until the last minute. :)

Their Eyes Were Watching God
I am part of a Book Circle. We all sent a book out to one person. Eventually, we will all read the books. We send a little note on to the next person. This is a little tough to read because it is written in the way they talk. Spelling and everything. It's good so far. :)

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  1. Wow! You sound like a busy girl! Grad course, inservice, photo shoot, being sick, and a sore back! Sounds like you need Tylenol and rest! (Don't we all?) With all the business, it sounds like you have a very interesting life! Sounds like a lot of fun!

    I agree about the weather! It is perfect this time of year! I need to be getting out to rake a TON of leaves! At least the kids enjoy it!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Heidi Neels
    Flipping For First

  2. I had the same response for 'loving' but then switched it at the last second. I love this in between weather too! I'm in Florida so it's never really cold cold, but the coolness and break from the heat is nice!!
    -Elyse @ A is for Apples

  3. That photo shoot sounds like a lot of fun! I am not ready to think about winter yet, though! Don't forget to take some time to relax during these holiday seasons!

    Eclectic Educating

  4. I love the idea of a book circle - sounds like a great way to discover new books and not get stuck in a rut reading the same type of thing all the time (like I do!). Enjoy the chilly weather and layers!
    Growing Little Learners

  5. Beth Ann!! How are you?? It's been too long... hope we can catch up sometime :) I love the cooler weather too (not too cold like you said!) But I do love my leggings and uggs and sweaters.. I hope you are well! Glad to see you're still doing photography, you're such a talent!


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