Gingerbread Family Project

I tried to find something for the kiddos to do that would be fun and educational at the same time (of course). We send home the typical outline of the tree and have the families decorate them any way they like. Don't get me wrong....they are AMAZING... I just wanted something that got them thinking and had a little more substance to it.
So, I thought and I thought....and then I remembered the pumpkins that Stacy at Blog Hoppin' had posted about. What a great idea!!!!!
So, I talked to the kiddos about what their favorite characters were and we discussed what kinds of houses they would live in. I told them they were going to make gingerbread houses for their favorite characters. They were SO EXCITED!!!!
I can't wait to see what they bring back in. I will post when they start to come in.
Happy Sunday!!!

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